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Why Hiring Mature Workers is a Smart Move for Your Business
Proactive recruitment methods have been the source of 72% of successful placements over the past 12 months
Hitting 50 – what does this mean for my career?
Proactive recruitment methods have been the source of 72% of successful placements over the past 12 months
Episode 48 – Lisa Harvey Smith
Astrophysicist, Author & Australian Government Women in STEM Ambassador
Let HRG unlock more candidates for your business
Proactive recruitment methods have been the source of 72% of successful placements over the past 12 months
Episode 47 – Trent Williams
NSW 2023 Nurse of the year
Episode 46 – Tim Mallon
Passion for coaching, passion for teaching, passion for family and passion for Maitland
Episode 45 – Loukas Nadiotis
Determination to work in the dream job
Episode 44 – Flexible & Hybrid work with Mai Wel and FiveSeven Consulting
3 conversations focusing on the effectiveness of Flexible and Hybrid work
Hunter Valley employment and labour market insights
The team at Hunter Recruitment Group are very proud to be Hunter Valley Recruitment specialists – based in Maitland, NSW for over 15 years, we have seen the region change and employment trends shift. Of course, there’s nothing like a global pandemic to shake up...
How to boost your recruitment success with video interviews
We’ve spoken before about the many recruitment benefits of video interviewing and the positive impact that technology can have on your search for staff. Today we take a closer look at how to conduct a video interview to have the best chance of boosting your...
Tips for video interview success
Here at Hunter Recruitment Group, we are very familiar with the benefits and functionality of video interviewing. It can foster fantastic recruitment outcomes for clients and candidates alike – we’ve put together a few blogs on this topic. You can check them out here:...
Your Hunter Valley Recruitment Specialists
Having been in business in the heart of the Hunter Valley for over 15 years, Hunter Recruitment Group are very proud to be your Hunter Valley recruitment specialists. Located in central Maitland we love being a part of this community and as a team, proudly support...
HRG hints for hybrid work
If you haven’t already, make sure you check out our blog on Hybrid work: why it's important and how it benefits your business. For many local businesses, it is opening up recruitment opportunities, securing top talent and offering employees flexibility and greater...
The recruitment benefits of video interviewing
The team at Hunter Recruitment Group have long been advocates of video interviewing and embracing technology throughout the recruitment process. Here at HRG we strive for the very best recruitment outcomes available, and we know that video interviewing can assist...
Hybrid work: why it’s important and how it benefits your business
There is nothing quite like a global pandemic to make change! The world is a different place, and without doubt, so is the workplace. After many months of working from home – and the investment and introduction of technology to successfully offer continuity of...
Is a career change as good as a holiday?
It’s an old saying but generally these are the ones that have an element of truth to them. They say that a change is as good as a holiday but is this the case when it comes to your employment? Can a change in your career bring a sense of rejuvenation and lead to you...
Executive Recruitment: Our tips for Recruiting top level talent into your organisation
Executive recruitment, or the process of finding and hiring candidates to fill leadership, or top-level roles across your organisation, is both crucial and often, challenging. The people in these roles will shape the culture of your workplace and make decisions that...
Retention strategies for recruiting and keeping great staff
Replacing talent is costly and time-consuming. Some statistics estimate that the cost of replacing a high-performing and high-potential employee is two to three times the outgoing worker’s annual salary. There’s the loss of organisational knowledge, intellectual...