Tips to have the best, most effective, experience with a recruitment agency

Tips to have the best, most effective, experience with a recruitment agency

Finding great staff and building a team can be challenging. And time-consuming. Without certain tools, technology and connections in your industry you may not know where to start.

This is one of the reasons why businesses turn to recruitment agencies such as HRG. At Hunter Recruitment Group we take your business and staffing needs seriously, and want you to have the most positive experience possible. We get the best results when our clients give us the best and most up-to-date information on not only the role but the business.

Here’s just a few things to consider when selecting a recruitment agency:

Check out the reviews, testimonials and social media posts for any prospective recruitment agencies. Does their tone, objectives, vision and quality of work align with yours?

Are they local? Known in the business community? Experienced?

Culture and compatibility are crucial in recruitment. Think of your chosen recruiter as an extension of your business – ensure they are the right fit for you.

HRG focuses on finding values fit for new staff members. Take the time to explore the values of the agency you wish to use and ensure you are comfortable with the values alignment and having such an organisation represent you to the employment marketplace.

Yes, you must acknowledge and factor into your planning that there is a cost involved with using a recruitment agency.

Have a conversation and get a clear picture up-front. From here you can consider the associated fees and also the benefits of using an experienced recruiter – including finding the right fit, long-term employee relationships and staff retention.

Clear communication
No one knows your business better than you. But if you share your insights and your plan for growth, projections and goals with your recruiter they will better understand who, and what, you need when it comes to staffing.

Be specific and detailed in developing your job descriptions, salary rates, policies and expectations – this way your recruiter will know the skills, outlook, experience and attitude any candidates must have.

The more details the Hunter Recruitment Group team have, the better and more effective our recruitment outcomes are. We love asking the question – Go beyond the PD and tell us what you are truly looking for? Think about how you would answer this question when recruiting.

Be Open to Expertise

The recruiter should understand the market, and this constantly shifts. The economics or basic supply and demand is different for each sector and to be honest on each separate recruitment experience.

The recruiter may tell you that you need to increase salary to attract the right person, you need to be open to this suggestion but also potentially open to sourcing a candidate with a lower skills fit that is more your price point if increasing pay rates is not possible.

Great recruiters ask insightful questions and really dive deep into fit, they may at times source multiple candidates that will excel in your business. Again, this is potentially an opportunity to be open to where that can take you.

Always remember, an experienced recruitment agency is here to make your life easier and your workplace more cohesive.

If finding great staff is an issue for your business, start a conversation with HRG today.

The ‘Post’ covid employment market

The ‘Post’ covid employment market

As we sit in mid 2021 it has been just over a year since we all were working from home and living on zoom. I was proud to have committed a stretch of 28 consecutive days living in basketball shorts (not that those in my zoom meetings knew)

With all my legs covered up and back in the office we are experiencing a different employment market in 2021. You would not think so given the news cycles and talk of still high levels of unemployment, but in the Hunter, it is a struggle to source good candidates, from advertising alone.

The volume just is not there. Once where we would have advertised for an admin position and been smashed with 400 + applicants, now in some instances we are receiving under 10.

Employers are becoming frustrated with not having access to choice and not being flexible or willing to train. We have a market full of people from sectors that have been decimated by covid wanting a fresh start and employers looking for new staff & not understanding the current situation.

I personally think a shift will change in the future and some normality will return but at present fear is driving people to stay in their current job:

  1. The passive job seeker is no longer looking. Employees will stay in their current roles for fear of being last on, first out should we enter a third wave and more lockdowns. “I don’t want to be on a probationary period right now”
  2. This is creating issues for employers as a recent seek survey announced prior to covid 1 in 3 people were looking to leave their current employer. Meaning we potentially have 1/3 of the workforce wanting to leave but fearful to act.
  3. Headhunting from within your sector is tougher in the Hunter than prior to Covid meaning access to staff with less training costs is hard to gain.
  4. The rise of the counter offer – in my time in recruitment this tool has never been more powerful. Stats are up on people bouncing job offers as their current employers bump up the rate to keep them.

As the vaccine roll out progresses and candidate confidence returns, this market will find balance but what is the answer to staffing issues in 2021?

At HRG we have always believed in recruiting on values and culture fit, validating skills and training the gaps. This is more important in today’s employment market. Exploring the ‘why’ from a candidate’s perspective and finding fit is critical.

In recent months we have had great success with clients in going outside of the usual advertising box to source excellent people. As we work more as a recruitment partner to business and gain an understanding of the culture, we can source amazing people fit.

Working with recruiters in ‘partnership mode’ as opposed to ‘transactional mode’ always leads to a better result, but now more than ever.

2021 is also a time to evaluate your retention strategies. If the ledger is tipped towards finding it hard to get the skills you require it makes sense to invest more in retention (yeah I know this is a bit weird coming from a guy that wants you to recruit more) I love seeing business thrive and retaining great staff in my mind leads to growth which will lead to new staff requirements. At HRG we just want successful clients. Now is the time to look at smarter ways of keep your top performers, think about the positivity this will bring today but also into the future as the market shifts!!!

In summary, recruitment is an ever fluid marketplace and you need to understand what the playing field is like at the time you need to recruit. It is a tough time in 2021 as we navigate the post covid space and employees put on their pants and either are motivated or not to stay in your workplace.

If you want to learn more or have a conversation with someone who loves this space then start a conversation with HRG’s Craig McGregor today.

She Wins – An inspiring International Women’s Day profile

She Wins – An inspiring International Women’s Day profile

To celebrate International Women’s Day in 2021 with the theme of ‘Inspirational Leaders’ HRG showcases the work of Kristy Flores of She Wins.
Kristy has returned to the Hunter after spending her life travelling to be a part of the game she loves and now the Hunter is the benefactor as we gain access to this great coach.
HRG through the drive of Amy McGregor wants to get Kristy to teach and inspire more young women that basketball and sport can be a pathway to friendship and achieving great things.
Kristy is in the process of creating a website to inform more about her project She Wins but if you want to learn more contact Amy McGregor via and Amy will connect you to this inspiring coach.
N.B. The lady in the voiceover is an amazing, inspiring woman in her own right that is a champion of getting young girls involved in basketball.

More than a resume – recruit today via video

At Hunter Recruitment Group we love learning more about people than the skills set out in a resume and asking the ‘why’ questions as part of shortlisting is key.

We now do this and more via bespoke one-way video interviewing.

For each role we are filling for our clients we create a personalised question set and have our shortlist respond via one-way video interviews. As a business owner or hiring manager now you get to see a resume but also see & hear from the candidate and make a more informed shortlisting decision.

This cuts down hours of wasted interview time for our clients and also has created more effective recruitment outcomes.

The future is now, it’s time to embrace a more modern recruitment process by engaging HRG to source your next great hire.

If you would like to find out how HRG can assist your business by implementing more streamlined recruitment strategies and employment services Start A Conversation with us today.

Recruit Now Pay Later

Recruit Now Pay Later

HRG is partnering with SelectPay to offer customers a more effective cash flow option to recruit today and pay the fee over installments.

Once we have done a stella job and found your next great employee, your invoice will have an option to split the fee over 2,3,4 or 5 monthly installments via SelectPay.

It is a simple application process and all fees are stated upfront.

SelectPay Client overview Jan21

So if you want to outsource your recruitment to the experts and have the flexibility to pay the fee off over time then start a conversation with HRG today

N.B. This service is only applicable to direct placements and not labour hire.

Asking WHY as part of your recruitment process

Asking WHY as part of your recruitment process

Recruitment is so much more than finding a simple skills match – job and person. You always hear professionals sprout about the key fit in terms of culture. Making sure an individual fits the values of the organisation is imperative and I totally agree but I think as business owners and managers you need to also evaluate the motivation for application.

I am a convert to the Simon Sinek ways and so the first question you should ask is WHY?

  • Why do you want to work in this role?
  • Why do you want to work for this company?
  • Why do you want to work in this industry?
  • Why do you want to work in this geographical location?

These are really important questions that will lead to understanding the candidates reasoning and will lead to true employment fit. If someone is motivated in ways that do not match what you can provide or what is on offer the relationship is destined to fail.

At the screening phase of recruitment understanding the way to ask these questions is important to start to paint a richer and fuller picture to test if the fit is there to proceed to interview.

Validating the motivations or the WHY at interview is critical. Here is where you can read body language to understand if the candidates motivations are authentic and if they fit the need of your business.

You hear and read all about retention and how to motivate staff, personal motivation is the building blocks to getting this right. If you understand the WHY someone works for your business or WHY they work in the sector you can understand from the start if this employment relationship is going to be fruitful for both parties.

So next time you are recruiting be sure to add the WHY questions to your interview and this will help you become a more effective business through smarter placements.

If you want to learn more about how to incorporate this into your recruiting process HRG is motivated to find better employment fit, so start a conversation with us today.