HRG hints for hybrid work

HRG hints for hybrid work

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out our blog on Hybrid work: why it’s important and how it benefits your business. For many local businesses, it is opening up recruitment opportunities, securing top talent and offering employees flexibility and greater work / life balance.

But how to effectively handle a hybrid workplace? Here, Hunter Recruitment Group have put together a few tips for having an effective and efficient hybrid workplace model in your business.

The team at HRG have long embraced technology in all facets of our work and this is especially important in blending remote work and office / on-site operations. With the right tools and technology to communicate and collaborate – and with the introduction of a secure cloud-based system – your team can be hybrid at the drop of a hat.

Office / Worksite
Rather than a fully remote offering, the hybrid workplace model is a combination and therefore the office or worksite environment is still very important. Your space may be able to be redesigned for the reduction of expenses, but it is also important to offer staff places to collaborate and connect when they are physically together – for example, can you offer multi-purpose meeting and meal spaces for your team?

For the hybrid workplace model to be effective the connection to your people and care for your team must be maintained. Regular check-ins, performance reviews and access to decision-makers will still be important for all employees. Just because team members aren’t physically present in an office space, they must still be considered in the overall achievements, planning and future goals of an organisation.

If you invest in the supporting technology and ensure you have effective communication tools the hybrid workplace model can certainly bring opportunities to your business.

Want to talk further about establishing and promoting your hybrid workplace offering when you are looking to hire staff? Contact Hunter Recruitment Group on (02) 4936 6537.


The recruitment benefits of video interviewing

The recruitment benefits of video interviewing

The team at Hunter Recruitment Group have long been advocates of video interviewing and embracing technology throughout the recruitment process. Here at HRG we strive for the very best recruitment outcomes available, and we know that video interviewing can assist greatly with this.

Today we look more closely at the benefits of video interviewing and how you can make the most of the experience when you are looking to hire new staff.

Effective use of time and resources

Everyone is busy – interviewing can be time-consuming and costly. It is often difficult to get a panel of decision-makers and great candidates together at the same time.

Using pre-recorded video interview technology brings efficiency to the short-listing process; reducing costs, minimising scheduling difficulties and ultimately decreasing the time to successfully fill a role.

Consistency in shortlisting and screening of candidates

At Hunter Recruitment Group we design questions and co-ordinate the video interview process specific to each role and its requirements.

This structure allows you to assess applicants equally, through a consistent lens – improving your chances of identifying the best candidates earlier and progressing them sooner.

Video interviewing also means that you can compare candidate responses side by side and make more accurate decisions, in your own time.

Quality recruitment outcomes

Conducting a video interview, candidates can complete their recording in their own time and environment, without the need to travel or take time away from work. By eliminating these barriers, video interviews increase recruitment opportunities and create a more positive candidate experience.

In a competitive job market, the candidate experience is incredibly important.

Often you need to see and hear a candidate, rather than just read about them, to assess if they meet organisational expectations and fit the role. With a video interview you can spot and secure the best prospects efficiently and effectively.

By embracing technology and connecting with HRG you don’t have to rely solely on a resume on a page when you are looking to make important recruitment decisions.

If you’d like to know more about our video interviewing system and the process Hunter Recruitment Group undertakes to secure great staff don’t hesitate to give us a call on (02) 4936 6537.


Hybrid work: why it’s important and how it benefits your business

Hybrid work: why it’s important and how it benefits your business

There is nothing quite like a global pandemic to make change! The world is a different place, and without doubt, so is the workplace. After many months of working from home – and the investment and introduction of technology to successfully offer continuity of employment and services, the world of work has seen significant change.

Something that we’ve observed here at Hunter Recruitment Group is the rise of the hybrid workforce model as a result of these changes. And from what we see, it is here to stay.

So, what exactly is hybrid work? How can it benefit your business, and how does it impact recruitment?

Although there is no hard and fast definition of hybrid work, what we are speaking about is a situation where an employee, or in fact a whole team, can work both remotely (from home or another location) in combination with time spent working in an office or specified worksite. It can be a blend of hours, specific days of the week or even nominated times of the year – based on organisational need.

The hybrid model of work offers numerous benefits for both employers and staff, and some of these include:

  • By offering flexibility and accommodating employee preferences for work locations and styles of working, you have the capacity to increase employee satisfaction and productivity
  • Cost savings can be made on travel and transportation, and the effective use of space, time and resources can potentially lower overheads and on-site expenses
  • Having hybrid processes, policies and systems in place brings agility and responsiveness to your organisation should the need to work from home arise again in the future

And the area that we really specialise in – recruitment opportunities!

The employment market of today demands greater flexibility and work / life balance, by offering hybrid opportunities, and not being tied to geographical boundaries, you can hire from a much larger pool of talent – even attracting interstate or international team members.

Of course, as with all workplace practices the hybrid model requires clear communication and expectation setting from both the employer and employee – and we’d also recommend introducing team-building tools to see success across your organisation.

If you are finding it difficult to secure great staff – a hybrid model may just be the answer. And we can help.

If you would like to discuss finding the right fit for your business and our suite of recruitment solutions call HRG on (02) 4936 6537.


Executive Recruitment: Our tips for Recruiting top level talent into your organisation

Executive Recruitment: Our tips for Recruiting top level talent into your organisation

Executive recruitment, or the process of finding and hiring candidates to fill leadership, or top-level roles across your organisation, is both crucial and often, challenging.

The people in these roles will shape the culture of your workplace and make decisions that define the future success of your business.

With the insights gained over our 15 years working in recruitment, here are some of the most common challenges we’ve uncovered in executive recruitment and tips to overcome them.


Competitive market.
With the employment market already competitive top talent is in high demand. Plus, organisations are fine-tuning their retention strategies to ensure that they can retain excellent staff, rather than having to replace them and re-build industry and organisational knowledge.

Recruiting ‘passive’ candidates.
It is very likely that executive-level candidates and potential leads for your role are already employed by another organisation and not actively seeking a new job.

The executive recruitment process is not as simple as advertising a job on Seek. These candidates will often need to be approached directly and provided with greater detail about the role and the organisation.

On average the time frame for finding and hiring staff at the executive level is much longer than the typical recruitment process. Patience is important as this is a staffing decision not to be rushed.

This also highlights the importance of succession planning across your organisation, and the need to identify skills gaps long before they actually arise.

Here are some of Hunter Recruitment Groups’ tips to secure the best talent and find the perfect fit in your executive recruitment search.

Research, clear expectations and documentation.
It is very important to do your research, be well prepared and have very clear expectations as to what you expect from the person fulfilling the role before you even commence your executive recruitment.

Designing a thorough and detailed job description and defining role objectives will make the experience much smoother.

Your relationship with recruiters.
As a business the better the relationship with local recruiters the more effective they will be to secure the best top talent.

At the Executive Level, the people in charge of sourcing need to have a critical understanding of the current culture and of the culture you wish to create if moving through change. Without this information, you won’t find the right person. Having regular catch-ups with recruiters even if you are not recruiting can be fruitful as they are constantly meeting with the best talent in the market, either through direct recruitment programs or in their networking

Provide an outstanding candidate experience.
Executive recruitment requires an extremely high level of professionalism, discretion, and confidentiality.

Get to know your candidates, understand their motivation and clearly articulate what sets your organisation apart.

The best candidates for executive recruitment may be hard to find – as with all recruitment – you want to treat them with respect and to stand out as an employer of choice.

If you’d like advice and guidance on your executive recruitment process, or you’d like an experienced recruitment professional to manage the process for you, contact Hunter Recruitment Group on 02 4936 6537 we’d be very happy to help.

Retention strategies for recruiting and keeping great staff

Retention strategies for recruiting and keeping great staff

Replacing talent is costly and time-consuming. Some statistics estimate that the cost of replacing a high-performing and high-potential employee is two to three times the outgoing worker’s annual salary.

There’s the loss of organisational knowledge, intellectual property and productivity, the recruitment process involved in finding a replacement, and of course the training and development required when new staff start.

In an employment market where ‘supply and demand’ is already creating issues around attracting talent, the focus on finding and retaining great staff is even greater.

 [You can read more about our thoughts on ‘The Great Resignation’ and the impacts we believe it will have in the Hunter Valley here ]

So, what strategies can you implement to help you secure top talent and keep them as valued team members long-term? Here we’ve made some suggestions.

Recruit right in the first place.
Of course, we are going to say this. With over 15 years of experience offering recruitment services in Maitland, Newcastle and the Hunter Valley we know the value of finding the right fit for the right role.

Clearly articulating your expectations of the role you are advertising and communicating that effectively in the job description  – with the appropriate pay scale to match – and following this communication throughout the interview process is crucial.

Looking at motivation, development opportunities, and the outlook of your candidate will further help you identify a future employee who can grow with your company – someone who will become highly productive and a part of your company’s ongoing success.

Onboarding and engagement.
Finding a fantastic employee doesn’t stop at the signing of the job offer. The need for thorough onboarding is very real. Nobody wants to start a new job and have no idea what they are doing. Streamlined systems and processes to help your team understand their role, workplace expectations and policies unique to your organisation are invaluable.

On-going employee engagement is equally important. An engaged employee is a happy employee and therefore much more likely to stay.  LinkedIn’s Global Talent report notes that 77% of the companies surveyed for the report focus on positive employee experience to increase retention.

Training and career progression.
When looking for great people you need to be able to see potential. Is there a skill gap that can be addressed with a training program or mentoring? A great attitude and the willingness to learn will go a long way in contributing to a high-functioning team and positive workplace culture.

Or, are you missing internal promotion opportunities for current team members because you aren’t offering regular training and development? So often employees just need a little encouragement to thrive.

Of course, turnover is inevitable and if you’d like to discuss an effective recruitment process built just for your business, we’d love to hear from you. Start a conversation with Hunter Recruitment Group today.


Technology & Recruitment: Video Interviewing & Remote Work

Technology & Recruitment: Video Interviewing & Remote Work

Over the last two years working remotely and hybrid working conditions have all become the norm for many employees.

There’s nothing like a global pandemic to increase the demand for technology in our workplace. We’ve found ways to work, meet, connect and collaborate online. But how to hire online for a role that will be working remotely?

We believe more and more employment services and recruitment agencies will make the shift to digital, embracing technology to foster connectivity and to handle their ‘virtual hiring’.

Recent survey results from American human resources and recruitment professionals show that 61% of recruiters expect video interviews to be the default interview mode moving forward. And as our pandemic trends and recovery seem to follow a similar path to the American timeline, Australia might not be far behind.

Here at Hunter Recruitment Group, we already offer a streamlined shortlisting and selection process, using state-of-the-art video interviewing software. This is actually our specialty.

The team at HRG love learning more about people than just the skills set out in their resume. Asking the ‘why’ questions as part of our shortlisting process is key – whether you are looking to source staff to work in-house, in a remote location, or a combination of both. And our bespoke one-way video interviewing enables this.

When providing recruitment services for our clients, we look at the role and create a personalised question set to match. We then have our selected shortlist of candidates respond via one-way video interview. As a business owner, hiring manager or human resources professional working with Hunter Recruitment Group, you then receive a resume and also get the chance to see and hear from the candidates, allowing you to make a much more informed decision.

By using this technology, it cuts down the hours interview time for our clients and facilitates more effective, on-going recruitment outcomes.

Beyond the short-listing stage Hunter Recruitment Group can offer video or on-line interviews and assist with the onboarding process for your new team member. Something which is crucial for anyone joining an organisation in a remote capacity.

The future is now, if it’s time for your organisation to embrace a more modern, and effective, recruitment process give us call at Hunter Recruitment Group – we’ll help you source your next great hire.

Find out more today, phone (02) 4936 6537 or email